2024 Elections: New or Redo?

As the saying goes: history repeats itself. Presidential candidates Donald J. Trump and Joseph R. Biden are not yet ready to take leave from their participation in the political race. However, the public certainly is.

There have been numerous criticisms directed towards both Trump and Biden, making the race to the finish line exceedingly difficult. The major topics that put Biden’s ballot at an advantage are his democratic opinions on the significant topics of abortion and unity. Voters with opinions that are more liberal flock towards his side. However, Trump’s competence in his actions as well as him dealing with current inflation makes his ballot appealing for voters as well. Over one third of voters believe that Trump has the physical and mental fitness to be President, whereas only 15% of voters believe that Biden is fully fit for the role. During the poll released by NBC, the two candidates differed in the types of voters that chose them. Despite having the same range of independent and young voters, Trump showed more votes coming from male and white voters while Biden showed his voters to mainly be women, Black, and Latino voters. Nevertheless, it has been evident that Trump’s voters have been expanding to include more people of color. 

Voters continue to show disinterest in voting completely, however. It has been found that the share of voters in 2024 who are interested in voting has reached a 20 year low as of April. Many complain that they, “don’t feel like I have a candidate that I’m excited to vote for”, and this substantially low number of voters is bound to have an impact on the outcome. As summer is approaching and we come near to the upcoming election in the fall, we can only hope that the complicated situation will ultimately lead to a beneficial result. This year’s election, despite containing a repetition of candidates, seems to be hosting an undoubtedly interesting turn of events.