Kavanaugh: A Dive In

CONTENT WARNING: mentions of sexual assault and misogyny


Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court was a reminder to everyone that our justice system is riddled with loopholes and that the government believes that violations of women’s rights are not important to the amount power that can be held by individual men. Need we be reminded that there are no laws governing the male body whatsoever?


With Kavanaugh confirmed, women are more energized than ever to vote in the midterms for Democrats in order for them to take control of Congress. If they do, they will be able to stop the GOP’s agenda on key issues, changing the dynamic of our government for generations to come. People are being urged to follow through with voter registration, because if the current Republican agenda is not going to be stopped, these continued infringements on women’s rights will only continue to occur. We cannot continue putting people with sexual assault allegations into power—that only shows women that their voice never mattered in the first place, and that their bodies are just objects that can be used by men.

Abortion Rights

Kavanaugh has repeatedly expressed his dissent for abortion rights for women and his desire to overturn Roe v. Wade which are essential for women and unborn children. Women who get sexually assaulted or become unexpectedly pregnant should not have to live with something they can’t take care of or want as it could cause psychological damage. When women go through a teen pregnancy, they are told by society that it is their fault and they have to live with their mistakes forever. When men are accused of sexual assault, society says that we need to protect their future or that their past shouldn’t define who they are. The woman is always stuck in between, and society disregards her rights completely, leaving her trapped. Some say they are trying to save future generations but you have to care about people that are suffering in the status quo, as repealing abortion rights is net worse for future generations. Even if those lives are prioritized, if they're going to live a terrible life because of someone’s economic situation or health issues then it’s better to prevent their birth.  People who say adoption solves all these arguments are wrong. There are millions of kids are suffering in adoption and foster care centers right now because of a lack of resources and popularity of adoption.

Dr. Ford’s Testimony

On September 27, 2018, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified in front of the nation and accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her. Critics assailed, saying she had political motives, “wasn’t even sexually assaulted”, or accused her of being unreliable because she couldn’t recall certain details of the event. Despite this, Dr. Ford has taken a polygraph test and passed it, whereas Kavanaugh has not. Dr. Ford also told her therapist in 2012 about the assault, and also talked to her senator before Kavanaugh was even appointed, so in the eyes of the law, she is already substantially more credible than he is. Kavanaugh stood on the stand and yelled “Beer”, without answering any of the questions posed to him. Kavanaugh has also been accused of lying on the stand by many of his past classmates, something that should have instigated more investigation by the FBI. The fact that the US Senate voted for Kavanaugh shows complete disregard for women’s rights, but Dr. Ford’s bravery and the things she gave up to tell people the truth should not be in vain, especially if the Midterms could give the Democrats power in Congress.

Susan Collins

One of the key votes in the conformation of Kavanaugh was Susan Collins’, a Republican senator from Maine. In her speech declaring she would be voting for Kavanaugh, she said that, although she believed Dr. Ford, she did not think there was enough evidence after watching Kavanaugh and his friends’ testimonies. It is despicable that, despite being a woman, she is willing to degrade herself and other women, especially minority women, just to vote for a man who has already shown that he will disregard the rights of non-straight white males. She is willing to push aside the fact that Brett Kavanaugh has sexually abused three women and is completely incapable of making non-partisan decisions for the highest court of the United States.

It is long past time that the government recognize that all women should be equal to men. Since the beginning of time, patriarchy has prevailed, and men have only continued to find justifications to continue to oppress women, and ignore the exploitation that millions are subjected to. Any time women have tried to stand up for their rights, they have been called criminals, too emotional, or stereotyped by the people that are supposed to be protecting their rights. We need change. We need it now.