the city

CONTENT WARNING: mentions of blood, death, violence



"my son loved this city

and this city killed my son”

broken taillights in a broken city become a broken system

the city a death wish a mangled dream,

the city a blood-red target on your back, the city

a pull-over, a traffic stop, it’s standard procedure

the city a war and the battlefield lined with black bodies


city streets stained with the anger you swallowed /

four hundred years worth rotting in dirty alleyways

can you taste the blood of your brothers on the ground

say their names into the rising smoke of existence

lungs filling up with corpses, you forget how to breathe


black body, black body, black body bloodied and bruised

black body molded for the bullet

didn’t do nothing but still fit the description,

black body hands up, don’t you reach in your pocket

hits the empty city owned pavement,

black body bleeding red blood.


